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Saturday, January 28, 2012


A quick drive-by post (hope that I get time to sit down and write a "real" post tomorrow or so...)

First off, Kim posted a question about the table-top sewing frames that could be seen in a couple of the photos from the retreat post.  Miss J sent me a the answer: "My sister and I have a ELAN from Artisan design, inc. ....  we really like ours."  You can go and check out the selection at the Artican web-site here.

So, I pretty much know now that I am a stitcher for life!  I love it!  Stitching has been my companion for a couple of decades, life has changed around me and inside myself, places and people have come, gone, changed - but the linen, the needle and the floss have always been there.  So I am dedicated, right?  Well, there are people out there that take their dedication to their stitching and their craft to a whole other level.  Since I am totally dedicated to photos and would marry Google's Image Search Engine if I only could, here are some browsie-finds to share with you; needle craft tattoos!



Running Stitch:

Traditional Embroidery:

Pins & Hearts:




Sewing Critters:

General Sewing & Sewing Tools:


Sewing Machines:
Very cool, don't you think, but some of us are just too wimpy - at least that's my excuse!  :-)

Speaking of tattoos, if I had an extra $250 laying around waiting to get spent, I would invest in one of these tattooed super-cuties!  They are sewn by Mimi Kirchner and you can see more of her fresh stuff on Etsy!  (I am also very much in love with her wool baby-dolls!)

Have a great night and hope you get time to stitch some!


  1. Oh my goodness, I don't think I would be brave enough to get a tattoo but if I did....it would be the simple one with the needle and little swirl of thread.

  2. my DD says that's taking things a wee bit tooo far !!! I am dedicated but not to that extent !!! love mouse xxxx

  3. Um, sorry. I don't like tattoos. lol! Especially since DD has decided she needs one. Luckily, she only wants a teeny tiny triforce tattoo on her hand. :D

  4. ohhhh my goodness.. really it is all bit too far..
    oh dear..really..

  5. Å, en korsstygnstatuering, det hade varit något det :)
    Det var ju rätt varierat hur fina de var...
    Du skulle ha en sån med en fågel också. Hade passat bra ju :)
    Älskar dockorna, superfina!
    Pusspuss, längtar

  6. I LOVE them, some are just so beautiful. I like the Knit Fast, Die Warm sentiment too!
    I keep thinking of getting mine charted so I could stitch them although my shoulder piece would be more suited to free-style embroidery than cross stitch.
    I'd also like to get some sampler motifs tattooed, they would look really good.
    And for the record - it hurts alot less than body-piercing and heals quicker!

  7. I have a tatoo roses and a butterfly on my ankle. This I got with my second husband as I had always wanted a tatoo, but my first husband said that 'only that kind of woman got a tatoo'. That's a terrible statement to make. I love the artistry in some of these tatoos. Having a tatoo is a totally personal thing, not for everyone, but no-one should ever judge. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh my, now that *is* dedication for sure. Unfortunately it involves needles and blood both of which I don't do well. Yep, I'm in the wimp came too!

    Although, I've always teased my mom about getting a zipper pull tatooed at the bottom of my surgery scar. She didn't see the humor in it. Imagine that?! LOL!

  9. I always wanted a little spider in the midst of my spider veins as a joke. But as I always told my kids, it might be cool now but at 70 it isn't going to be so cool all saggy like and your grandkids will want a good explanation.

  10. Some of these tats are AMAZING! (Others.........maybe not so much. At least not for me!) If I were going to go that route though it would only be AFTER I indulged in a wee Harry Potter themed tatto first. Heheh.
